Growing up in NYC is most definitely some next shit, but you know what? I wouldnt trade it for the world. The things I have seen growing up, you couldnt write a script any crazier then the what I have seen. From a early Year in life I have witnessed more then I should have. I have seen death, luck, disaster, love, hope and so much more. These are the moments that have shaped me. I can remember growing up on 137th & Riverside in the late 80's. Man was that shit gully as fuck. The building I lived in had to be the one where all the crackheads got high in the lobby. At least the apartment was huge. Insanely big. Now this was an ill place to live. One day on the uptown side of B'way by the train station, we were all sitting. It was me & bunch of friends. We were all meeting up there to go downtown that night. While we were all waiting for one more person to show up, we all seen some crazy shit happen. On the other side of B'way was a man closing his store for the night and a crack coming running by and jigged money in the neck with a screw driver. Why it happen, I dont know, but the dude was on the ground shaking. At least E.M.S. showed up quick. When I lived on 78th & W.E.A. I would hang out at the Soldiers & Sailors monument. This was in the late 80's as well. Some times I would break night there and sleep up on the landing . One night I was there with a friend Mikey. He had wanted to run away and so he did, why? I dont know, but we wound up there that night and we hung out with the older crowd that was drinking and getting high. I bumped into this dude Hang 10 that I had known from the neighborhood. We started to walk the streets and bug out then he was dieing for a coffee at 3:30 am Hang 10 decides HEY! Lets go to my job and I can get some coffee there. Well his job was being the Mngr of a tutti fruitti ice cream place. So he unlocks the store and we go in the store. I wound up eating all the ice cream I ever wanted and sleeping in the basement . I froze my ass off. That Was some real random shit to have happen. I can remember making a magic dollar. Yup that shit really was magic until people caught on. What it was, was a dollar bill w/ a tail on it that was about 2 ft long made out of clear packing tape. Now what you did with it was use it in vending machines. Then you would pull ya dollar back out get what you wanted plus the change. It was the best. Dam growing up, there was a code you could use so you can make free pay phone calls. You would punch in the code and then you would get the flashing dial tone and you was good son! Washington Square was dope back in the days and the whole village in the 90's now that was a crazy seen. You had the dude jumping 7 or 8 trash cans from one sk8board to another in the park. Fuck'n Unique's was the shit. I would always die to go there so I could write my name on the wall. Silly, but it was the case. St. Marks back then was just straight squatter city and the REAL punks who rocked the for real deal Mohawks. It was ill then. I use to love Walmen Rink when it re-opened in the late 80's. That was a blast, I remember my mother giving me money to by ice skates and after I took the train down there and got to the entrance of the park, I turned around and went back uptown to the U.W.S. to only spend that money on spray paint. I got my ass beat over that one, but there was this girl at the ice skating rink that I was so into. She was a real pretty Dominican girl named Vanessa and she actually liked me as well. With my luck it just didnt work out, but I got to kiss her and ice skate with her for about a month. Just long enough to have a nice memory. Man is NYC the best place ever! The Old New York that is. On the week ends my friends and I would go downtown to Wall st. and skate all day with out really seeing any people. It used to be dead, just nothing but kids skating all over the place. In my younger days we would take cabs places and just straight up do the Larry on'em. Sometimes we would take a cab all the way uptown to get trees and take the cab back downtown and then be out or stick like 2 dollar bills crumpled ur in the change spot and be out. I sure as hell miss being a kid in NYC back then. Making pea shooters and running around lacing people up with McDonald straws & popcorn kernels. We would spray about 100 at once out the mouth piece through the straw. Dam we were bad kids. Oh well, it has giving me xtra tough skin and a better perspective on how to look at things.