Sunday, September 21, 2008

Punks Jump Up To Get Beat Down

Growing up in NYC was no joke. People got their ass beat all the time and most likely it was deserved. Fighting was a normal thing in the mean streets of Old New York as long as it was kept to duking it out. Every now and then, People need to get an ass beat'n just because they wont learn any other way. Some people are too rude, too cool or just plain stupid. In this day and age you cant even spit in someones direction with out the other person pressing charges. Another thing about things the way they are today is teenagers need they ass beat ass well. Kids these days lack respect for the elder and think that they are tough shit. They think an adult wont give them a little beat down. I will. Dont get me wrong, Im not saying to kill some one or put them in the hospital. Just a simple beat'n, thats what they need. It seems to be the parents aint doing their job so I'd be willing to help'em out with a swift kick to the seat of their pants of these bad ass kids. I tell you boy, some of the people at work can get it as well, thinking they know it all and that they are the shit. I do construction work for a living and the people I work with are all a lot older so in their eyes im young and I dont know shit. But the case is this.... I have 12 years of experience so that equates to me knowing a little something I would say. These older fucks need a beat'n as well. The crazy shit is half of the old kooks I work with do a half ass job and I find it funny that they think their work is top notch. A lot of these people in NYC who are transplants really need a beat'n. They move here to NY and they think its all sweet. They think NYC revolves around them and that the are whats hip. Well I got news for them, Its not sweet. Especially the ones that are moving into the hood where it is bad or close by. Yo shit that kills me as well is when your sitting on the train and you got that half empty seat next to you and then some fat ass comes and sits in it, on top of that the train is crowded and they are reading the paper all stretched out across into your personal space. Well guess what. They can get a beat'n as well too. And the list goes on but I think you get my point. So dont be afraid to serve some chump a beat'n if it is what he deserves. As True Old New Yorkers we reserve the right to serve someone a beat'n that has it coming to them!

Monday, September 8, 2008

No Title For This One!

One thing that I miss about Old New York is some of the places I would go to be alone. Growing up as a kid we all had secret places we would go and hang out. Well for me..... my place was in River Side Park and it was a great place. A place were it was all open and you had not a worry in the world. It was old and full of trash and all kinds of junk. Since I really had no friends growing up I found my self spending all my time here. This place had old iron piers to climb on and just open land to wander through. Old New York use to have many places that was abandoned and this was one of them. Now everything in New York City just about has been developed leaving nothing to be explored for kids. Not like the city plans things like this but as a kid its fun to go and snoop where you dont belong. To this day I come back to look at the little bit that remains, not much of it but it will do with the way New York is now. What I hate most is having to share this place with others, the public. When I played here it was just me and a few others and the homeless. Donald Trump has bought the land years ago and has developed it and has brought here all the kinds of people I hate. There is nothing I can do about it now so I will have to settle for the all pictures I have of this place and my memories. When I was here yesterday and I was climbing out on these piers and stuff, all the people walking by were looking and pointing like if I was way out of line but you know what fuck'em I was here first and this is my place. People in New York seem to turn there heads a lot quicker these days for all the wrong reasons. I guess its because there not from here. Growing up, people wouldnt even bat an eye. Dam how the times have changed and boy do I hate'em.