I can remember being about 9 yrs old and getting in one of these good 'ol checker cabs. Not only being inside one of these things was dope by it self, but the ride was a first of many things as well. I can remember getting in and seeing the jump seats inside and getting all excited and shit. Sitting in one of them seats is no joke. Anyways the ride it self was crazy because it my first time in a cab. The ride started at 78th & W.E.A and we got out down by Belvue Hospital. Along the way we cut down the West side Hwy right past the Intrepid. Man, was that some shit to see as a kid! Up until that point I only seen then shits in old Tin Can Sailor flicks in black & white on tv back then like on some channel 9 mid day movie shit. Well here that shit was in the flesh, plus the fact of being in the cab bouncing around in that little ass jump seat, holding on for dear life. Then the cabbie cuts across 56st to go down B'way. When we get to B'way down by the Deuce, all I can see is markee's with naked ladies on them. Also the fact that the city moves a million miles a minute was crazy too. It was a lot to take in all for the first time, but never the less it was a huge rush for a 9 yr old.
And that was only the first of many stories I have of cabbies in the Old New York era. Most of the stories I have are more like wars, for some reason its like oil & water with me and cabs. The shit that bugs me out about the whole yellow cab thing is this. As I was growing up in the 80's as a kid, the cabs were driven by True Old New Yorkers who were natives. After a while you saw an influx of Koreans driven the cabs in like 87 88 with a mix of Haitians as well. In the mid 90's the Habibi's started taking shit over. Did you see them fuckers in the movie Taxi or the tv show? Hell no you didnt! Now its just fucking nutzo with them.
One of my craziest stories I have is about a time when I worked for a place called The Bigger Picture, During the morning & at the end of the day I had a route to walk and pick up work that was sent out house to be done. It was morning so the work had to go out. I was on my way to a place called Color Edge. I would cut through a parking lot then across the street in the middle of the ave and the place was right there. When I crossed, there was a cab letting out a fare and so I waited to see if he would go and he didnt. When I crossed, he drove forward like he was going to hit me. He came pretty close so I hit his hood open handed with both hands for him to stop. When he stopped, fuck'n Shocka Zulu got out that bitch. The dude was about 6'4" and he was one dark ass angry Haitian. He walk right up to me and kinda backed me up as he said" WHY YOU HIT CAR"! Then the fucker karate chopped me across the chest & neck area. As he turned to go back to his cab, it all hit me late. I ran up on him, jumped past him and stole on him. It was all pure luck, but I caught him right in the jaw piece. You could see he felt like a punk after some punk kid crashed his face. So he chased me up the block and I was out. At this age I could run very well. As Im running up the street, I dropped some of the work and some one picked it up. I was like fuck. When I look back I see the guys from the place I was going to, come out. They were screaming on the cabbie for hitting me. So I go back over there. That guy who had the work I dropped was Like YO I got his shit and the guy from Color Edge comes over and snatches it, like Give Me That Shit. It was all crazy. The crazy shit would be when me & my boys would do the Larry on the cab. We would take the cabs every where and have them drop us on a block that when we run out he cant drive to chase us. Ive seen bike messengers fuck cabs up and all kind of shit. From Puking to joy riding them to fighting with them in the street to losing lots of money from being drunk, I have seen it all. To this day I hate them Motha Fuckers for sure. Even the info on the side of the cab has been changed to some GAY non New York shit. What ever these people get there hands on something, they fuck it up. Im not opposed to change, but you gotta be reasonable and preserve certain things. Fuck Them Cabbie's!